All Business View Tours include:
1)A 360 Virtual Tour of "Your Business" starting outside - where tour connects to Maps.
2)Individual Point of Interest Photos that go below the tour.
3)The Tour is available all across the Google Platform on Search, Maps and Mobile devices.
4)Embed codes to post the tour on any web page
5)Embed code to post on Facebook
6)Enhance Google+ Page
7)Possibility of Menus and Hotspots on the tour
8)Video of Tour
9) Full ownership of all photos for unlimited use
Tour Prices Are Based on Sq. Ft.
Tour One $450 (less than 1500 sq. ft.)
Tour Two $599 (1,500 to 3,000 sq. ft.)
Tour Three $750+ (greater than 3,000 sq. ft.)
1.Simple Clickable Menu(no hotspots-goes to other parts of the tour) : $50
2.Menu with Hotspots(includes links to multimedia) $100
3.Simple video of tour after it is published $150
4.Complex video of tour with titles and graphics $250
5. Tour that tells a story (For instance the story of your company)-the additional details to create this - whether graphics or video. $250